Made for humans.

be digital

b-op rethinks digitalization. b-op technology enables individual digital ecosystems and their direct peer to peer communication. Human interaction is our ideal. Digital participation is our mission.

Our b-op Digitals are representatives of natural or legal persons in digital space. A dynamically growing data model and inalienable data ownership form the immutable core of our b-op technology. Freedom on the physical location of data and the absolute self-determination with whome and when to share data are the benfits for our Digitals.

Digitals materialize the data of the owning persons and help them to regain control. The value of data is getting more visible with b-op as intermediary services are no longer required. Along freely adjustable trust relationships each b-op Digital can grow its own ecosystem and perform digital interaction in dataspheres without expensive interfacing IT projects.

b-op technology creates cost-effective, simple and fair access to digital participation.

b-op Digitals

be operative



Independence in the digital space means to have control on “where to store data” and “with whome to share it”. b-op Digitals guarantee highly individualizeable control on data sharing through flexibly adjustable uni-, bi- or multilateral trust relationships. With them each Digital can decide autonomously whether, when, which and for how long it wants to share or accept data. In any case, only data necessary for the desired interaction processes are shared. Each owner of a Digital can at any time determine the physical residence of its data. A relocation service allows to owner to freely move, if a Digital needs to change its place of residence.

Data security & Privacy


Any kind of data is precious property for b-op, no matter if personal or corporate. Its protection has been the top priority in b-op's technological development. With our Digitals, there are no mandatory T&Cs or technical backdoors, which allow third parties to access or use your data for their profit. On the contrary – nobody owns and controls your data except you. Like trustful conversations in real life, the exchange of information at b-op takes place in private rooms. In them you share data only with the Digitals you trust. In order to protect this trusted form of communication b-op Digitals interact all times directly over an cryptographically secured peer-to-peer network.

Freedom to act


b-op does not create artificial dependency on intermediary services . Digitals act as we have always done in real life. After getting to know each other, peer-to-peer communication is the natural way of professional and private interaction between humans: trustful, personal and with the desired audience. Our Digitals don't need data brokers, forwarders or marketplaces. They are all enabled to exchange information directly. Through this, any third-party intermediary functions, which provide no other value than data-transport, become obsolete. Associated costs and risks become obsolete as well. Right from the start, every b-op Digital is given the system-inherent option of complete digital process integration with other Digitals. On this basis, each Digital can freely design its ecosystem with its peers and use b-op technology to exchange data flexibly and precisely according to its needs.

Digital equality


b-op technology makes digitalization uncomplicated and cost-effective. Right from the start, all Digitals are given the opportunity to participate in digital exchange without restrictions. This grants a level playing field on digitalization for all partners. It allows full process digitalization with other Digitals and their ecosystems at no extra cost. Immediately after getting to know each other, Digitals can start digitizing their interaction processes along established trust relations. As this does no longer require costly IT projects, all parties have a tremendous benefit of employing b-op technology – no matter of size and power of the natural or legal person behind the digital. Large corporations benefit not only from the tremendous cost savings, but also from the new simplicity of deep digital integration with their partners of all sizes. On the other hand, SMEs can easily connect to fully digitalised process chains. They are no longer limited through their lacking financial power for IT investments.

Universal data model


There are a huge number of software packages for process and business management worldwide. The first decision which should be made is whether to choose one product which offers support for more or less all functions required for operations ("Best of Suite") OR a set of software products which each offer highly sophisticated functionality ("Best of Breed"). In the first case, only standard processes are supported, which can only be adapted to specific processes at great financial expense. In the second case, specific processes are optimally organised, but further software solutions are required to synchronize the data between the software packages.
With the b-op technology you now have the chance to escape this dilemma without compromise, because even highly specialised software solutions that are based on the universal b-op data model and work naturally with each other without extra software. With b-op your Digital now has the "Best of Both" alternative.

be b-op

With b-op everyone should do what they are good at. Our founders, which have background of IT entrepreneurship and a long standing track record of medical innovation, decided to apply the b-op technologies to the two dataspheres they know best: Trade and Healthcare.

In these two digital spheres , our partners have been building individual business ecosystems since 2013. Alongside selected positions of trust they created customer centered digital networks with complete ERPs and complex supply-chain solutions in global enterprises connected with dozens of partner Digitals. All customers and suppliers in the trade sphere or clinics and patients in the healthcare sphere benefit from the simple und highly protected data exchange via their Digitals.

With the technological and ethical disruptive b-op technology we stand out against usual digitalization plattforms and help to save our clients costs and resources and provide highest data privacy. The owners of our b-op Digitals are increasingly recognising this unique advantage and are pushing the b-op idea further in their respective spheres.

Upcoming economic and social challenges will be triggered by the nature of future digitalization and our individual chances of participation . b-op creates the technological basis for all Digitals to consciously exercise their rights and potentials and to counter unwanted data usage by providing secure alternatives.

With b-op, data exchange and process chains can be organised and optimised in all areas of life and business. Also for private individuals a b-op Digital can be helpful to participate simple and with unrivaled data sovereignty in digital spheres such as healthcare or online trading.

We are also looking forward to contacts with partners who want to open up new digital spheres and implement their own ideas based on b-op technology.

b-op Services

We are a steadily growing and committed team of about 40 employees. At our locations in Switzerland, Germany and Serbia, we advance b-op on all levels every day.

b-op Services is an incubator for companies that develop software based on b-op. Here, we support start-ups in planning, technical implementation, marketing and setting up support and sales.

Our goal is to use b-op technology to create access to digital participation for as many people and companies as possible, and to protect basic digital rights in a way that cannot be circumvented. We want to make the digital spheres human and explicitly promote and preserve diversity.

b-op locations